Blog Archive

September 26, 2010


So as you know I started daycare a couple weeks ago and I thought I would let you know how things are going. The first week mummy only sent me 4 half days and it was pretty hard. I would cry a lot when she left and start crying as soon as she came back to pick me up as I wanted to make sure she wouldn't leave me there for any longer. I liked it there but I felt a little insecure being away from mummy after spending 18 months with her at home. Last week mummy took me to daycare 3 full days and by the second day it all made sens... I was only there to make some friends and would come back home. So I am now really enjoying it, I like Chahira and the other kids... especially Gabriel, another 18 month little boy who makes me laugh all day and sends me kisses with his hand when I leave at the end of the day, very sweet. Chahira even told mummy on Friday that I was an adorable little girl and that she already loved me. She said that I am very independent and determined. I know why she says that because everyone says that about me... apparently I like to do things on my own and don't want help once I have figured something new out. So now that I know how to use utensil I do not want help feeding. Isn't that legitimate? I am a big girl and I can do it alone. Same goes with everything else I know how to do, I do not need help. I don't want to be mean, I know people are trying to be kind but I am a big girl and they have to let me do things on my own now!

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